Hei, kiva kun löysit sivuni!
Olen Leena ja olen muuttanut takaisin Suomeen eli Jyväskylään heinäkuussa 2024. Ensimmäiset lähitunnit alkavat elokuussa Mandalatalossa. Syksyn 2024 kursseista saat lisätietoa kohdasta NEWS. Kurkkaapa sinne ja tervetuloa mukaan!
Relax. Refresh. Renew.
Hi! I´m Leena. I will help you to stay fit. My tools are Pilates and Yoga. I´m offering Studio courses in Jyväskylä, Online courses and Personal Training.
My Skills
Over 30 years Physiotherapist and 20 years Yoga and Pilates Enthuasiast.
April 2023 Licence Yoga Instructor, ASG
April 2020, Certification BASI Pilates Instructor (CTTC),
February 2017, Certification Yoga Teacher European Union of Yoga.
December 2016, Certification Pilates Bodymotion Studiogeräte 3. Degree Trainer,
December 2005, Certification Pilates Bodymotion Matwork Trainer.
June 1999, Graduation, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
May 1987, Certification Physiotherapist, Finland
My Motivation
My work is my purpose, my driving force. It's the reason I get up every day and do what I do. I love this Job!
Feedback from my Clients is very essential for me. It is like a Petrol or Booster that gives me new energy and drives me to look positively forward and improve my teaching strategies and courses.
My Values
My business is more than just a job. Learning the new and repeating the old is an integral part of my life, whether it´s physiotherapy, anatomy, yoga or pilates. I think it´s important to stay on top of the latest trends and I believe in lifelong learning. I read a lot, participate in teacher trainings, experiment and train alone and with others. By taking care of my own wellbeing, I want set a good example to my clients, while also hopefully inspiring them too!
My Clients
I am an experienced, reliable trainer. I find my clients to be inspiring and fantastic people who take care of their own health.
About Me
I am a qualified physiotherapist and work as a freelancer. I had my first yoga and Pilates classes 20 years ago. Since then, yoga (Hatha, Yin and Yang) and Pilates have been part of my life.
My Story
I am Finnish and have been living in Düsseldorf for many years. I have been teaching Pilates since 2005 and shortly afterwards also yoga in German, English and Finnish.
Life has never been busier. To be less stressed, use time for your own well-being. Register for my yoga or pilates classes at any time from this website under "Book Now".